How to Resign

This article was originally written by Nancy Segal and appeared on the blog of Solutions for the Workplace ( and is shared with permission.

Perhaps you have reached the point of no return. Or you have decided that you want to be part of the “great resignation.” Or maybe you have gotten another job (congratulations!) If any of the above are true (and of course there are other reasons too), you will need to resign from your current employer. And ideally you want to do so gracefully.

Here are some tips for how to (and how not to) resign:

  • DO NOT forget to give notice. Two weeks is standard; depending upon your role in the organization, more time may be appropriate.

  • DO NOT burn bridges. You may need a reference—or you may decide you want to return to the organization.

  • Do NOT take the opportunity to share everything you think is wrong about the organization.

  • DO NOT brag about your new opportunities.

  • Do put your resignation in writing—and provide your contact information.

  • DO understand your separation benefits; COBRA, whether you’ll be reimbursed for unused vacation pay, 401(k), etc.

  • DO meet with your boss to tell her personally that you are leaving.

  • DO thank your organization for the opportunity – and share something you learned or enjoyed about the job.

  • DO offer to assist with the transition.

  • DO return all property that belongs to your organization.

  • DO be sure to delete any personal files from your work computer.

  • DO say goodbye to your colleagues.

People will remember how you resign. Take the time to do it right!


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