20/20 Hindsight, Allegations & Accountability

While the world is facing an unprecedented crisis, finger-pointing and allegations of “mismanagement” may begin.  We know this because we’ve defended federal employees in other unprecedented crises such as 9/11, Waco/Ruby Ridge, Hurricane Katrina, Benghazi, wildland fire fatalities, etc.  

During any problem, crisis or tragedy, tough decisions are made with the information on hand. As law enforcement officers you know that all the facts or the pressure under which a decision is made may not matter.  At least not initially, or for months or years until an investigation concludes or a case is tried, and all aspects of the investigation or case are presented. Often times, the media coverage of initial allegations is newsworthy for days or weeks or more, yet the final verdict gets just a few minutes of media attention, if at all.  For some employees, offices or agencies, the truth doesn’t even matter in the end.  The damage is already done. 

Please know that any actions you take, as always, could be scrutinized with 20/20 hindsight to determine if something else could or should have been done to hinder the damage. Agencies may come under fire as well as individuals involved in making “common sense” or pressured minute to minute decisions. 

If you’re managing or supervising teleworking agents and employees, you are also expected to act to ensure the efficiency and integrity of the federal government and hold employees responsible.  This  can make for a tense and unhappy work environment regardless of the fact that we’re dealing with a crisis, as well as rapidly evolving situations, territories, technology, and information, in uncharted territory.

While no one can ever fully prepare for a crisis or tragedy, we can educate and give you an important tool to protect yourself.  Having federal employee professional liability insurance (which means having legal counsel experienced in the array of federal investigations and proceedings) makes a world of difference.  Defending Feds is what we do.


For more information about your professional exposures or how to obtain FEDS Protection, call 866.955.FEDS or visit www.fedsprotection.com.  Questions can also be sent to feds@fedsprotection.com


Employee Message from Acting Secretary Chad Wolf on DHS's COVID-19 Efforts and Teleworking


COVID-19 Across the Government: How Agencies Are Handling the Outbreak