Blue Suicide Survivors: A New Approach to Suicides in Federal Law Enforcement

This year, the Women in Federal Law Enforcement (WIFLE) 21st Annual Leadership Training took place in Tampa, FL from August 16-19th. The theme was Real Talk: How to Address Law Enforcement Challenges Through Collective Strength. One training session that took place at the conference was called “Blue Suicide Survivors” led by Shelley Jones, Executive Director of the Survivors of Blue Suicide Foundation (SBS).

SBS addresses the emotional and psychological needs that arise from the loss of a loved on by suicide in the law enforcement profession. The family and coworkers of any active or retired law enforcement officer who has died by suicide in the United States and its territories may use the services of SBS.

In her presentation before the WIFLE audience, Jones discussed the importance of a “Postvention Policy”- used by SBS to determine how to help families that have lost a loved one to suicide. First, SBS provides support for the family and every member of the agency. Next, SBS ensures there is proper communication within the agency and to media. Third, SBS helps the family organize any memorials and a funeral. Finally, SBS promotes training on resiliency and/or recognizing warning signs.

Another priority of SBS is reducing and preventing survivor trauma. Some examples of how to do this, suggested by Jones, include ensuring the family is properly notified of the suicide (they don’t find out on the news or social media) and reducing department speculation as to what happened and why it happened. As far as notifying the family, SBS recommends that it always be done in person, in time and with certainty, in pairs, in plain language, and with compassion and no judgement.

Supporting the department is another crucial step law enforcement can take to prevent suicide. Jones offered some tools available to officers and agents including the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), a private counselor specially trained for law enforcement, peer support, and even an SBS co-workers Weekend Wellness Retreat scheduled for April 2022.


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