Coalition Outlines Needs of Federal Employees During COVID-19 Response

The Federal Postal Coalition issued a letter this week to lawmakers highlighting the challenges federal employees are facing as they attempt to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The letter lists and explains several policies lawmakers can enact to meet the needs of the federal workforce.

The Federal Postal Coalition (FPC) is an alliance of more than 30 national member organizations that collectively represent more than five million federal and postal workers, retirees, and their survivors across the country. Among the signees for this letter include the American Federation of Government Employees, the International Association of Fire Fighters, the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association, and the National Association of Assistant United States Attorneys, among nearly 25 others.

The letter urges lawmakers to support:

•   Adequate funding for and supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline and essential federal and postal workers;

•   Hazard premium pay for essential frontline and public-facing federal and postal workers;

•   Presumptive workers compensation for federal employees infected with COVID-19 who are engaged in occupations with increased risk;

•   Expanding “Families First” Act emergency sick leave and family leave provisions to all federal employees;

•   Granting weather and safety leave to all employees who are not able to perform their duties remotely and who cannot travel to their duty station because of health and safety risks as a result of the coronavirus crisis and to authorize the use of weather and safety leave to cover childcare and other dependent care responsibilities arising as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic;

•   Expanding telework programs to help slow the spread of the coronavirus and ensure that agencies are prepared for continuation of operations in the future;

•   Requiring coverage of telehealth services, where practicable, by Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) plans;

•   Amending current law to allow for a public health emergency such as the COVID-19 crisis to be considered as a “qualifying life event,” giving federal and postal employees who are not currently enrolled in a FEHB program health plan the opportunity for health care coverage, as well as allow for enrollment changes; and

•   Emergency appropriations and debt cancellation for the United States Postal Service (USPS).

“Ensuring frontline, essential and public-facing federal and postal employees have appropriate PPE, compensation, enhanced and flexible benefits will help ensure these public servants can focus their attention completely on their critical roles supporting their agencies' missions and the needs of the American people,” the letter explains.

Under each bulleted provision, the letter outlines legislation, oversight opportunities, and policy proposals the groups support and encourages lawmakers’ involvement.

“The current pandemic is testing not only the capacity of this nation, but the resolve of its citizens to meet the challenges before us. Our nation’s essential and frontline federal and postal employees are answering the call and showing the nation what public service means. We thank you for your service and the service of your staff during these difficult times as well. As you address the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, we urge you to protect, reward and take care of those who are putting the well-being of their fellow citizens above their own,” the letter concludes.


Andrea Abat: Special Agent for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


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