Continuing to Fight the Good Fight

Last week, FEDS had the honor of attending the Federal Law Enforcement Officers’ Association (FLEOA) 2015 biennial conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where new Executive Board Members were elected, and Immediate Past President, Jon Adler, was thanked and honored for his great leadership, dedication and professionalism in representing, protecting and advocating on behalf of more than 25,000 federal law enforcement officers and their families.

The Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association paid tribute to it’s distinguished past president with the creation and awarding of it’s first Robert E. Van Etten Award.  Mr. Van Etten, a founding member of FLEOA and its first National President, led the way to ensure the federal law enforcement voice was heard and respected.  Mr. Jon Adler’s every effort, over the past 12 years as an executive board member and the last 7 as the National President, epitomizes not only the dedication and service of Mr. Van Etten and all of FLEOA’s past leaders, but underscores the true unselfish dedication and sacrifice that every law enforcement officer makes on a daily basis. 

Under Jon’s leadership, some of the very many victories include the passage of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, the LEOSA Improvement Act of 2010, the H.R. 2146 (TSP bill P.L. 114-26), the Defending Public Safety Employees’ Retirement Act, the Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012, the Officer Safety Act of 2012, the Whistle blower Protection Enhancement Act of 2012, the Jamie Zapata Border Enforcement Security Task Force Act, the Special Agent Samuel Hicks Families of Fallen Heroes Act, and the Badge of Bravery Act. 

True to his devotion, Jon has graciously and eagerly accepted the position of President of the FLEOA Foundation, whose mission is to financially assist FLEOA members and their families in times of need. We would be remiss if we didn’t give a shout out to Jon and the FLEOA foundation…so, if you would like to contribute to the FLEOA Foundation, please send your tax deductible donation to:

The FLEOA Foundation

P.O. Box 1306

Grand Central Station

New York, NY 10163-1306

Last but not least, FEDS would like to congratulate and honor all those who received bravery and heroism awards at the ceremony, for your incredible bravery and service to this great nation, and honor those, once again, who made the ultimate sacrifice on September 11, 2001.  72 officers lost their lives that fateful day, including 3 in federal law enforcement: Lenny Hatton, FBI; Craig Miller, US Secret Service; and Richard Guadagno, FWS. The complete list of all 72 can be found here. Never forget.

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