Controversial Initiatives will Increase Scrutiny by Congress & Special Interest Groups

Policy changes and refocused initiatives are developing just one month into President Trump’s administration.  

The vulnerability of federal law enforcement officers to investigations and/or civil lawsuits as a result of increased scrutiny by Congress and special interest groups, as well as affected individuals, must be carefully considered when choosing your Professional Liability Insurance provider.  Some of the most frequently asked questions by law enforcement officers, enumerated below, concern the ownership, coverage, and continuous liability coverage when switching from other providers to FEDS Protection.

  1. Is FEDS a U.S. Based Company?   Yes.  Headquartered just outside Washington, D.C., FEDS is veteran owned and U.S. based with benefits secured by Nationwide E&S, which is also U.S. owned and based.  Nationwide E&S is an A++XV (Superior) rated insurance company by A. M. Best.

  2. What kind of steps does FEDS take to ensure the protection of confidential information?  The proprietary information of FEDS customers is maintained, stored, transmitted and otherwise handled under the control of authorized employees in a secure custom-built database.  As a former federal attorney of a law enforcement agency, FEDS President has a clear understanding of the sensitive nature of Insured personal and claim information.

  3. What is a retroactive date?  This is only applicable to employees switching to FEDS from another PLI company.  For claims under the Civil portion of the policy, FEDS honors the "original retroactive date", which is the very first date continuous professional liability insurance was purchased from any provider. Please see Section I, Civil Suit Coverage, A. Insuring Agreement and Claims Made Clause ("effective date of continuous coverage").  If you first purchased professional liability insurance in January 1999, your "retro date" is January 1999 and you are covered for any civil claims that occur while you are a policy holder with FEDS for matters that involved acts, errors or omissions between January 1999 through the present.

  4. Is worldwide protection offered? Yes, worldwide protection is essential to those serving outside of CONUS or otherwise in international posts of duties and, unlike other carriers, is included at no additional cost.

  5. Is civil suit coverage available after leaving federal service? Yes, the policy provides a “tail” or “36-month extended reporting period” which provides civil protection for up to three years after service ends, at no additional cost.

  6. Does FEDS offer LEOSA coverage to active federal LEOs? Yes, FEDS LEOSA coverage was designed to specifically protect current agents lawfully acting under LEOSA HR218 authority from legal expenses and liability associated with off-duty carry or actions found outside of agency authority.

  7. Is FEDS a privately held company? Yes, Tony Vergnetti is FEDS President and Founder.  Prior to founding FEDS, Mr. Vergnetti was an attorney for a federal law enforcement agency and later defended federal officials, including those in law enforcement, while in private practice. Read Tony Vergnetti’s Bio here to learn more about his understanding of and commitment to protecting the federal community. Tony may be reached at 866.955.FEDS or

  8. Is it true that FEDS will appoint, in certain cases, coverage counsel prior to DOJ’s determination of scope and interest? Yes, FEDS understands that having an attorney advocating on an officer’s behalf is very important during this decision process.  FEDS policy holders should also note that FEDS will not deny a policyholder claim if he/she chooses to get advice or counseling from FLEOA or other association legal counsel and later needs to invoke FEDS PLI policy benefits.

  9. Why is FEDS legal representation recommended over other carriers?  FEDS nationally recognized panel of attorneys have a vast amount of experience in representing federal employees, including Shaw Bransford & Roth P.C. (SB&R), Schertler and Onorato, LLP, Mololamken, LLP, Kaiser, Legrand & Dillon PLLC, and others whose experience and expertise are necessary to best defend the claims involving the unique exposures of federal employees.  As an attorney, FEDS President understands how critical it is to have experienced, tenacious, and objective legal counsel when defending sensitive matters involving federal employees.

  10. Does FEDS cap civil suit representation at $200,000?  No, FEDS affords policy holders defense and indemnification up to the full limits of the $1,000,000 or $2,000,000 policy as legal fees associated with the unique nature of federal employee claims could exceed $200,000. 

  11. Can I enroll by phone?  Absolutely, please call 866.955.FEDS Monday–Friday between the hours of 8am–6pm ET.  Enrollment takes about 5 minutes.

While FEDS doesn’t receive many questions about reimbursement, it is important to note that all law enforcement officers are eligible for agency reimbursement up to half the cost of this insurance for an annual premium of $145 for a $1,000,000 policy.  Most agencies require a completed SF 1164 - check with your HR representative for further reimbursement guidance.


FEDS provides professional liability insurance for the entire federal law enforcement community. For information on your specific exposures, how professional liability insurance protects, or how the FEDS program differs from other insurance programs, visit us on the web at and choose the position or agency that best describes your job and professional responsibilities.


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