DOJ Announces ATF Ghost Gun Rule is in Effect

The Department of Justice announced Wednesday that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) new frame and receiver rule is now in effect. Its purpose is to stop the proliferation of ghost guns—or privately manufactured firearms and gun kits—that don't have serial numbers, making them difficult to trace.

The new rule subjects firearms made from kits, defined by ATF as "frames" or "receivers" for firearms,  to the same regulations as those manufactured for public sale. The new regulations clarify the definition of frame or receiver, identify which parts of the firearm must be serialized, and direct retailers to run background checks before selling parts kits that could be used to assemble firearms. Further, shops or gunsmiths are now required to add a serial number to any non-serialized firearm they engage with for sale.

According to Justice Department statistics, nearly 24,000 ghost guns were recovered by law enforcement and reported to the government between 2016 and 2020. Since ghost guns lack serial numbers, police departments struggle to track and report to the federal government the number of them in circulation, making it hard to estimate how many there are.

“This rule will make it harder for criminals and other prohibited persons to obtain untraceable guns. It will help to ensure that law enforcement officers can retrieve the information they need to solve crimes. And it will help reduce the number of untraceable firearms flooding our communities,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a release announcing the rule's effect.

Additionally, the rule expands recordkeeping requirements for gun retailers from two decades to the entire license period of the proprietor.  According to the release announcing the rule, the destruction of records after 20 years makes ATF unable to trace thousands of firearms – many reportedly used in homicides or other violent crimes..

The ATF has created a resource page on their website if you have any further questions regarding the rule.


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