Excitement is Just Around the Corner

Spring is finally here. As I watch the crowds of tourists descend on Washington, DC, for spring break and our beautiful Cherry Blossom Festival, I continue to get more excited about what’s just around the corner.

Right now, our entire office is abuzz with activity, from gearing up for next month’s National Police Week activities to planning our upcoming Museum Grand Opening festivities this fall. Spring is often associated with renewal, change and new beginnings. That certainly encapsulates how our team here feels. The Museum’s opening, once just an idea, is now very real.

I walked past the Museum building site the other day and it too was a hub of activity. The construction crew was putting the finishing touches on the exterior of the building. It is now very easy to visualize that in several months construction workers will be replaced by families and visitors from all walks of life stepping inside our beautiful new Museum.

I’m excited too, that for the first time, visitors who may have had no connection to the law enforcement community will be able to experience what it’s like to “walk in the shoes” of a law enforcement officer. I truly believe one of the best ways for us to strengthen the relationship between law enforcement and the public is for each of us to better understand the split-second decisions that law enforcement officers must make along with the historical and cultural contexts that are ingrained in our communities. It’s clear that the Museum offers us an exciting opportunity to provide knowledge and context in a thoughtful manner.

Our office is a flurry of activity as we get closer to seeing this magnificent new Museum come to life, from our incredible Museum collection to educational programs and events. Every department is working diligently to ensure our visitors’ museum experience is unlike any other in Washington. Time will tell if our efforts pay off, but I believe when we open next fall, our Museum is going to be the talk of the town.

Authored by David L. Brant, Message from the National Law Enforcement Museum Executive Director

For more information about the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, please visit nleomf.org. For more information about the National Law Enforcement Museum, please visit nleomf.org/museum.


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