Federal Task Force Officers—Am I Protected?

Over the years, federal law enforcement agencies have been able to magnify their reach and effectiveness through the setting up of federal task forces, made up of both federal and state & local law enforcement officers.  These task forces (led by officers from agencies such as the U.S. Marshals, FBI, and DEA) are assigned to address specific issues such as sex trafficking, drug trafficking, tracking fugitives, and counterterrorism efforts.  While the task forces are largely spearheaded and funded by federal agencies, oftentimes a majority of the manpower is provided by state & local law enforcement.

As federal task forces continue to grow in numbers and prominence, members of these task forces (both federal and state & local) should be aware of the complicating factors that can arise from such an arrangement.  For the federal law enforcement officers involved, oftentimes in leadership or supervisory roles, being involved in a federal task force can entail supervising and assigning instruction to law enforcement officers who are unfamiliar with the training and culture of the federal agency.  Carrying out coordinated missions with officers from various levels of law enforcement can lead to miscommunication and misalignment of objectives.  For federal law enforcement officers used to working primarily with members of the same agency, these challenges can be unfamiliar and daunting.

For the state & local law enforcement officers involved, participation in federal task forces can create exposure to lawsuits, whether 1983 actions or alleged constitutional torts/Bivens actions.  However, while a federal law enforcement officer can hold out a reasonable hope for Department of Justice representation in the event of a lawsuit, federal task officers may not be extended this representation at the same rate. 

As a proud member of the federal law enforcement community, FEDS Protection consistently looks for ways to educate and protect law enforcement officers against potential exposures.  To that end, FEDS offers coverage to state & local law enforcement officers working on federal task forces, with the same civil, administrative, and criminal protections that federal law enforcement officers enjoy.  With FEDS Protection, all members of a federal task force can rest assured that they will be legally, financially, and emotionally prepared for an adverse action or investigation.  Federal task force officers should act to ensure their protection and visit www.fedsprotection.com or call 866.955.FEDS Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 6:00pm ET to enroll today.


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