First-Ever Report on Fed DEIA Progress, President Biden Issues New Executive Order

The Biden Administration released its inaugural report on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) efforts in the federal government workforce. The report, titled “Government-wide DEIA: Our Progress and Path Forward to Building a Better Workforce for the American People,” was released by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).

It provides an update on how the government's implementation of its DEIA strategic plan is taking shape and reviews DEIA priorities for 2023. The goal is to implement President Biden’s Executive Order 14035 of June 2021, which called on the government to build a workforce that reflects the diversity of the nation and required agencies to create strategic plans to advance DEIA objectives.

“We look forward to continuing the work to break down barriers to serve and help build a Federal government that draws from the strength and diversity of its people,” said OPM Director Kiran Ahuja.

Among the accomplishments outlined in the report:

·                 Establishing the Chief Diversity Officers Executive Council, which will inform and collaborate with public and private stakeholders on legislation and policies affecting DEIA priorities.

·                 Convening an Employee Resource Group summit and a national DEIA Summit discussing disability employment.

·                 Developing a DEIA Index to measure how employees view their work environment.

·                 Promoting equitable healthcare coverage for LGBTQI+ employees.

·                 Starting a DEIA Learning Community to support all federal agencies with implementing best practices.

“We are proud of the work we have accomplished but also know there are opportunities for improvement and sustainability,” said Government-wide Chief Diversity Officer Dr. Janice Underwood.

Progress and the Road Ahead

Workforce diversity remains an area for improvement. From Fiscal Year (FY) 17-FY 21 there were only minor improvements in the racial makeup of both the total workforce and the Senior Executive Service (SES). There were also minor improvements in the gender diversity in both total and SES workforces.

The report highlighted the importance of implementing the DEIA Maturity Model as a tool for agencies to measure their DEIA progress. The Maturity Model was put together by OPM, the Domestic Policy Council (DPC), the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) as a tool for agencies to have a DEIA roadmap, gauge their progress, hear feedback, and utilize best practices. The model can be “adopted or adapted to meet an Agency/Component’s unique structure and needs.”

New Executive Order on Racial Equity


Besides DEIA, on February 16, 2023, the Biden Administration issued a new executive order on racial equity and supporting underserved communities. This builds on the president’s previous executive order on racial equity, which was issued his first day in office.

The new order “reaffirms the Administration’s commitment to deliver equity and build an America in which all can participate, prosper, and reach their full potential.”

Among its provisions:

·                 Gives federal agencies 30 days to set up Agency Equity Teams and designate senior leaders to implement the mandate. Agency Equity Teams will be responsible for equity training and leadership. It’s also designed to improve collaboration and accountability and streamline progress reporting.

·                 Agencies must produce yearly equity actions plans.

·                 Promotes transparency and equity with data. The order directs the Interagency Working Group on Equitable Data (now institutionalized at the National Science and Technology Council) to improve data collect and analysis to better report progress on racial equity initiatives.

·                 Requires agencies to improve their community engagement process and to consult with communities as equity action plans are developed.

“Achieving racial equity and support for underserved communities is not a one-time project.  It must be a multi-generational commitment, and it must remain the responsibility of agencies across the Federal Government,” President Biden said in the executive order.


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