FLEOA Highlights Important Policy, People During Police Week

The Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association (FLEOA) is continually committed to serving our members and the federal law enforcement community. This Police Week, FLEOA has dedicated special time and attention to pushing policy that helps the law enforcement community protect and serve their community. From events highlighting the importance of police to meetings on the Hill, FLEOA is excited to engage the public and policy makers on law enforcement issues during this time of heightened awareness.

To gear up for Police Week, FLEOA will be attending the US Marshal Memorial Service to honor service members lost in the line of duty this year on Friday, May 10. To continue this time of reverence, FLEOA will also attend the Blue HELP dinner on May 11, where FLEOA Immediate Past President John Adler will speak in recognition of the service of officer who died by suicide this year.

To kick off the official start of Police Week, FLEOA will join the TOP COPs Awards Dinner hosted by the National Association of Police Organizations on Sunday. Since 1994 this event has paid tribute to law enforcement officers in federal, state, county, tribal, and local agencies who go above and beyond the call of duty to assist the American people.

On Monday May, 13, FLEOA will attend the 31st Annual Candlelight Vigil with the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund on the National Mall.

While Police Week is an important time for tribute and admiration, it is also a time for action. Therefore, FLEOA will be conducting several important meetings on Capitol Hill to bring attention to critical federal law enforcement related issues.

FLEOA will be meeting with the Attorney General’s office, members of both the House of Representatives and the Senate, and the Department of Homeland Security leadership to discuss legislative and agency priorities.

Specifically, FLEOA will focus legislative efforts on garnering support for the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA) Reform Act, First Responder Fair RETIRE Act, National Law Enforcement Museum Commemorative Coin Act, Probation Officer Protection Act, Protecting America’s First Responders Act and Supporting and Treating officers in Crisis Act.

FLEOA has vocally supported each of these pieces of legislation and will continue working with their sponsors and cosponsors to get these bills signed into law.

To end Police Week, FLEOA will be attending a press conference with Senator Kristen Gillibrand, Senator Cory Gardner, Rep. Carolyn Maloney, and Rep. Peter King on a bill supporting the reauthorization of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund.

All year long FLEOA fights for our brothers and sisters in blue, but Police Week presents a special opportunity to show the country what we stand for and compel Congress to support law enforcement. Be sure to follow FLEOA on Facebook and Twitter so you never miss an update.


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