The FLEOA Legislative Machine prevailed with the hard-fought passage of H.R. 2146 (TSP bill). On June 29th, the FLEOA-initiated TSP bill, Defending Public Safety Employees' Retirement Act, was signed into law. Thanks to the leadership of Rep. Reichert who introduced the bill, those under the law enforcement retirement system will now be able to access their TSP at age 50 without incurring the IRS’ 10 percent penalty.‎ This allows federal law enforcement officers to be on par with their state and local counterparts who are also eligible to retire at age 50.

OPM Data Breach

FLEOA has undertaken numerous actions to address the massive data breach at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). FLEOA wrote several times to Katherine Archuleta, the now-resigned Director of OPM, to express our deep concerns regarding the serious breach of data security at OPM, and demand immediate action from the government to protect FLEOA members and their families from harm.  FLEOA also issued a strong public statement in response to OPM’s inability to answer the pressing questions put before it by Congress at a hearing before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.  

FLEOA has prepared an informative bulletin to assist FLEOA members with taking proactive steps to prevent further abuse of members’ personal information. To access the bulletin, please visit FLEOA’s website at Also, FLEOA is encouraging all members to join its Unified Claim being filed against OPM. FLEOA is requesting payment to cover lifetime credit monitoring and home protection for all individuals whose personal information was disclosed in the background investigation form.

FLEOA Supported Legislation Signed Into Law

On May 19, 2015, President Obama signed into law the FLEOA-sponsored Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu National Blue Alert Act of 2015 (H.R. 1269/S. 665).  FLEOA played a pivotal role in the redrafting of this legislation, as well as participating in press events and meetings on the Hill. The legislation will create a communications network to disseminate information on suspects sought in connection with the death or injury of law enforcement officers. The system is similar to the nationwide “Amber Alert” system for missing children, and would rapidly notify law enforcement agencies, the media, and the public to aid in the apprehension of criminals that target law enforcement officers.  

Support for New and Existing Bills

The FLEOA initiated bill, H.R. 2137 (Federal Law Enforcement Self Defense and Protection Act), introduced by Rep. Collins continues to gain momentum.‎ It's Senate companion bill, S. 1162, introduced by Senator Toomey, is also progressing. We anticipate the bill being placed on the House suspension calendar and voted on favorably when the Congress returns from its Summer recess.

FLEOA is currently working with Representative King's office on revised text H.R. 1702, LEO Fair Retirement Act, which was a proposal put forth by FLEOA. The bill will allow will for a recapture of "max-out" salary earned (LEAP and AUO) and credited towards an employee's high three annuity calculation; 

FLEOA continues to advocate for Representative King's H.R. 2254, Law Enforcement Equity Act, which FLEOA was involved in the drafting. The bill will amend the definition to ensure that our uniformed Officers will be placed under the LE retirement system, including VA Police Officers‎ and Postal Police Officers. It will also include any Officer engaged in the investigation or apprehension of suspects, and authorized to carry a firearm.


By Jon Adler, National President, Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association

The Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association is the largest non-profit, nonpartisan professional association that exclusively represents over 26,000 federal law enforcement officers from over 65 agencies.


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