FLEOA Successfully Advocates For Change To Michigan LEOSA Policy

On Tuesday, FLEOA President Larry Cosme issued a letter on Michigan LEOSA policy.  The full text of the statement is below

Like many states, Michigan instituted a state LEOSA law. Michigan’s law included a preemption clause that specifically stated they would always follow the federal LEOSA law. However, a few months ago, FLEOA became aware that Michigan’s LEOSA policy failed to qualify U.S. Probation Officers for coverage under the law.

As a result, FLEOA’s Executive Director Donald Mihalek and I immediately engaged the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and advised them of their misguided policy. This ultimately led to a discussion with the Michigan Attorney General’s Office who agreed to review the federal and Michigan LEOSA law and policy.

The Michigan Attorney General’s Office has now acknowledged that their policy was incorrect and amended it to ensure U.S. Probation Officers qualify as law enforcement officers under both the federal and state LEOSA statutes.

As we have seen, many states misunderstand federal LEOSA law, which supersedes all state laws. We are grateful that the Michigan Attorney General’s Office listened to our concerns and ultimately self-corrected their policy. It is our hope that other states are as amenable as Michigan was to the facts of federal law, rather than creating their own LEOSA fiction.  We appreciate Michigan’s renewed understanding that U.S. Probation Officers are law enforcement officers under LEOSA.



Larry Cosme
National President, Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association



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