FLEOA Takes Steps to Protect Members During Shutdown

On Wednesday, the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association sent a memo to its members detailing its response to the government shutdown.  The full text of the statement from FLEOA President Nate Catura is below:

"FLEOA is fully engaged in responding to the shutdown. We issued a message to all members followed by a message to the President, both can be found on the FLEOA webpage. Instead of a message supporting the wall, we issued a message supporting our agents and officers protecting our border. We also stressed our opposition to our members working on essential assignments without pay.  We are in almost daily contact with the White House. In fact, today we will be participating in a WH Conference Call with Senior Officials on the shutdown and border security. 

We have heard from many members asking for FLEOA's position on the shutdown. Let me be very clear - we support the opening of the entire government and for all agents and officers to receive their paychecks immediately.  FLEOA was founded on the principal of nonpartisanship which allows us to work both sides of the aisle. Therefore, we declined to take sides between the White House and the Speaker of the House, but rather, maintain open communication with both sides. As the shutdown continues, the absurdity of jeopardizing public safety because of partisan politics becomes more apparent.

I promise you that FLEOA will continue to fight for your well-deserved pay and benefits.  Our legislative team remains in almost daily contact with both Senate and House members and Committees. Our outside counsel has provided FLEOA with guidance and advised us against filling or joining any lawsuits. In addition, outside counsel has provided advice to members adversely effected by the shutdown (e.g. cancelled leave situations).  We have posted on the FLEOA website a compendium of valuable resources that can be accessed by members for guidance and financial assistance - https://www.fleoa.org/downloads/FurloughResources(003).pdf

FLEOA has reached out to the media.  We have stressed that we support our members who are deemed both essential and non-essential for providing public safety. We said that the longer the shutdown continues the more members worry about bills and obligations. FLEOA believes this directly effects morale and safety. In addition, we stressed that many support and research positions are deemed non-essential which creates a dangerous situation. Lastly, we went on record that picking specific agencies for emergency funding creates inequities between agencies and would become a morale issue.

I assure you that FLEOA understands the hardships that are created by a shutdown and we are supporting any solution that will fund the reopening of the government."


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