FLEOA’s strong legislative voice once again prevailed with the passing of H.R. 2137 – the Federal Law Enforcement Self-Defense and Protection Act of 2015.

FLEOA wrote the bill after several federal law enforcement agencies ordered their agents to store their government issued weapons and credentials during the 2013 government shutdown.

As noted directly in the bill, H.R 2137 was written “to ensure federal law enforcement officers remain able to ensure their own safety, and the safety of their families, during a covered furlough.”

Let’s hope we never have to endure another furlough, but if we do, then at least all federal agents will now have the ability to protect themselves.

During the closing months of the 114th Congressional Session, FLEOA is busy working to pass several other bills.

Namely, we are working collaboratively to pass the Law Enforcement Officers Equity Act (H.R. 2254/S. 2946); the Probation Officer Protection Act (H.R. 5081/S. 2862); and the expansion of LEAP pay to officers of CBP-Air and Marine Operations (H.R. 4902).

These bills are a small sampling of FLEOA’s total legislative agenda. Moving forward to the 115th Congressional session, FLEOA will remain committed to the passage of these bills and others that directly impact our membership.

Conversely, we anticipate additional bills that look to strip federal law enforcement officers of our pay and benefits. FLEOA will strongly oppose any bills that erode what pay and benefits we have left.


A Costly Decision for Federal LEOs


Second Circuit: Avoiding a Checkpoint Is Not Itself Sufficient to Find Reasonable Suspicion but Can Be When Paired with Other Factors