Immigration Reform Affects All Agents

One of the most substantial issues under President Trump’s campaign was immigration reform- specifically relating to the deportation and impediment of illegal immigrants. 

Trump’s administration has upheld this promise thus far, beginning with the enablement and encouragement of federal agents to intensify their pursuit of illegal aliens.

Although the laws defining aliens haven’t been altered from Obama’s presidency, the approach towards undocumented immigrants has. Trump provided clearance to arrest anyone suspected of being in the country illegally. Media attention has caused activists nationwide to take a stand against the new administration’s efforts, in effect making immigrant groups more aware of their rights- such as denying ICE agents permission to enter their homes without a warrant.

Media reports of upsurge in arrests of illegal immigrants in the few months since Trump took office will continue to escalate as the reform takes shape. Increased media exposure and campaigns such as “Know Your Rights” sparked by immigrant advocacy groups are generating backlash against the law enforcement groups tasked with these arrests- increasing the likelihood of consequential lawsuits.

All federal law enforcement officers - not just at ICE and CBP but across every agency- need to recognize that their job alone equates to amplified exposure to such civil suits, investigations, and other liability issues. Regardless of whether or not you’ve done something wrong, no agent is immune to allegations of misconduct.  And while you may be ultimately vindicated of these allegations, defending against claims and lawsuits could easily cost tens of thousands of dollars if you do not have a professional liability policy in place. FEDS Protection provides you with your own personal attorney to defend against any allegations and resulting disciplinary action. Additionally, law enforcement officers are eligible for up to 50% of their policy premium to be reimbursed by their agency. Find out more, or enroll today, at


FEDS provides professional liability insurance for the entire federal law enforcement community. For information on your specific exposures, how professional liability insurance protects, or how the FEDS program differs from other insurance programs, visit us on the web at and choose the position or agency that best describes your job and professional responsibilities.


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