Introducing FLEOA: the Voice for Federal Law Enforcement

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The inaugural prompt for the FEDforum is: Introduce your organization to the federal community. This week, hear from the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association (FLEOA).

The Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association (FLEOA) is the largest nonpartisan, nonprofit professional association exclusively representing federal law enforcement officers. FLEOA represents more than 30,000 federal law enforcement officers from over 65 different agencies.

In 1977, FLEOA was created as a volunteer organization by a group of concerned agents from Customs, IRS-CI, TIGTA, FBI and INS. These individuals saw a need for greater legal assistance and representation for federal law enforcement officers – these two items remain the primary tenets of our Association.

Along with providing exceptional legal support and services, FLEOA is the legislative voice for the federal law enforcement community. FLEOA is often called upon by Members of Congress to provide insight on the real world implications of Congressional policy.

For example, in September, FLEOA National President Larry Cosme was invited to testify before the House Committee on Natural Resources during a Hearing on Police Cameras at the Department of the Interior. President Cosme discussed ways which body cameras can be used to assist and protect police while also noting practical limitations on the use and storage of the technology.

FLEOA has also consistently fought for law enforcement pay and benefits. FLEOA has played a pivotal role in the passing of important legislation and policies that impacts federal law enforcement officers, such as Law Enforcement Availability Pay (LEAP), the Good Samaritan Act, Badge of Bravery, FERS Sick Leave Credit, NSPS repeal, and more.

Recently, FLEOA also worked with a bipartisan group of lawmakers to have the Law Enforcement Officers’ Equity Act reintroduced in the 117th Congress. This legislation would guarantee police officers across all federal agencies have access to equal, enhanced retirement benefits.

FLEOA advocates for our members within executive agencies and among the broader federal law enforcement community through various boards and committees. FLEOA is a charter member of the DHS Federal Law Enforcement Advisory Board, holds two seats on the Congressional Badge of Bravery Federal Board, and serves on the Executive Board of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund and the National Law Enforcement Steering Committee.

FLEOA’s core mission is simply – we seek to ensure federal law enforcement “don’t go it alone.” To that end, we offer members:

  • Legal representation in work related matters, which includes legal advice.

  • 24-hour hotline for emergency situations such as arrests, shootings, and such serious incidences.

  • Member discounts on services such as liability insurance, homeowners and automobile insurance, and education.

  • Other benefits from the FLEOA Foundation such as scholarships, line of duty death and emergency situations.

  • Contact with Agency Managers including meetings with Agency Directors, seeking improved working conditions, and availability of Agency Presidents for representation in matters unique to an Agency.

  • Legislative voice in DC and with Congress to protect your benefits.

  • Membership in your local chapter which provides networking and social contacts as well as benefits local to your area.

FLEOA works hard to be the voice of federal law enforcement within agencies, in your community, and on Capitol Hill. Join today to ensure you Don’t Go It Alone.

This column is part of the FEDforum, an initiative to unite voices across the federal community. The FEDforum is a space for federal employee groups to share their organizations’ initiatives and activities with the FEDagent audience.

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