Law Enforcement Function Added to FOIA Search Tool

It’s now easier to search for law enforcement records on, the government’s central resource for information about the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).  

The Department of Justice (DOJ) recently added a “Law Enforcement records” tab to its FOIA search bar.

“The new Law Enforcement records user journey not only helps requesters identify the multitude of federal law enforcement agencies subject to the FOIA, but also provides useful guidance for those seeking state and local records,” wrote DOJ’s Office of Information Policy.

Search Tool Success

FOIA launched its initial search tool in October 2023. Since then, nearly 99,000 queries have been made. The law enforcement tab is the latest “predefined user journey” meant to make it easier for users to find what they’re looking for. Other predefined user journeys include immigration/travel records, tax records, Social Security records, medical records, personnel records, and military records.

DOJ calls the predefined user journeys “instrumental in helping requesters identify agencies and documents of interest.”

In addition, the law enforcement user journey uses updated machine learning to provide more accurate and precise results. 

DOJ will “analyze usage data to further improve the quality of the results.”

Users can also provide targeted feedback on the results they receive.

“Your input is invaluable as we continue to improve the Search Tool to best serve the public,” wrote DOJ.


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