Law Enforcement Suicides – Stigma, Silence & Denial Must Be Addressed

It was a sad ending to National Suicide Prevention Week 2019 for the law enforcement community. Six officers died by suicide in seven days – that’s the verified number by Blue H.E.L.P. – and it could be more once the verifications are completed.

At the FLEOA National Conference last week in Washington, D.C., representatives from Blue H.E.L.P made information available to attendees. Here’s what we learned:

Verified suicides to date:

2019 – 155
2018 – 167
2017 – 169
2016 – 142
Numbers include retired officers (23 in 2019)

This data is based on known suicides since January 2016 and, according to Blue H.E.L.P.’s website, they believe there may be a gap with federal officers as suicides they “heard about” may not have been reported. See Law Enforcement Suicide Statistics for more information on Blue H.E.L.P.’s data collection and reporting.

Blue H.E.L.P. – Honor.Educate.Lead.Prevent – was established 4 years ago after The Price They Pay was written by two of its founders; Karen Solomon and Jeffrey McGill. Blue H.E.L.P. is working to educate, support and prevent. They need your involvement. Learn more about who they are and where they are offering training. Be the advocate in your agency or office for the education and training necessary to reduce mental health stigma, identify the signs, and get help for or from your brothers and sisters.

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Action Plan: Life Insurance Awareness Month 2019