Lifting the Veil: The Office of Special Counsel’s Investigation Practices

Quick question: what do you know about the Office of Special Counsel, or what happens when they launch an investigation in your agency?

If you don’t know much, it’s easy to feel intimidated. And the mystery of OSC's legal authority and investigatory practices only serves to add to its enigmatic nature.

On Wednesday, November 2 at 11 AM EDT, join the law firm of Shaw Bransford & Roth for a live webinar that will lift the veil of OSC's investigation and prosecution practices on suspected prohibited personnel practices (PPP).

Tune in and hear as the leading federal employment attorneys educate managers about the ins and outs of an OSC investigation into their conduct, , employee obligations during the investigation, and what kind of support your staff may (or may not) expect to receive from their general counsel and human resources offices. By the end of this webinar, you will gain a better understanding of how OSC investigations and prosecutions work, and who bears what procedural and evidentiary burdens when OSC reports adverse findings.

*This presentation will not cover OSC’s Hatch Act authority or processes.


Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)


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