Modesto, CA Man Charged in Connection with ISIS

On Monday, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that Everitt Aaron Jameson, 26, of Modesto, California, had pled guilty to “attempting to provide material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham” or ISIS.

The cooperation between Jameson and the terrorist organization is said to have begun “in or around September 2017 until around Dec. 20, 2017,” when “Jameson voiced support for ISIS, knowing that the organization was engaging in terrorist activity and terrorism.  Among other things, he had several online interactions with a confidential source, and during those interactions, he stated that he was committed wholeheartedly to ‘the cause.’” Jameson also publicly expressed support for a number of terrorist attacks.

Jameson, who is said to have “joined the Marine Corps and received basic training, including earning a sharpshooter rifle qualification” before being discharged due to asthma, said in his communications with an undercover agent that “he was ready to do whatever they need done here and noted that his time in the military had trained him for combat and things of war.”

Jameson later “met with another undercover agent whom he believed to be associated with, and working for, the senior leadership of ISIS and offered to carry out violent acts and provide financial support for the terrorist organization.”

Pier 39 was one target location for an attack, Jameson claimed. A sentencing hearing is scheduled for September 4th. Jameson has entered a plea agreement which, if accepted, would mean he would face 15 years of prison “and a life term of supervised release.”


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