National Law Enforcement Museum Commemorative Coin Act Passes House

In a voice vote this week, the House of Representatives passed the National Law Enforcement Museum Commemorative Coin Act. The legislation will now move to the Senate for passage.

The National Law Enforcement Museum Commemorative Coin Act, H.R. 1865, is bipartisan legislation introduced this year to mint coins in commemoration of the opening of the National Law Enforcement Museum, a museum dedicated to honoring law enforcement of the past, present, and future.

Under the bill, the Treasury Department would mint up to 50,000 $5 gold coins, 400,000 $1 silver coins, and 750,000 half-dollar clad coins. Lawmakers expect the sale of the coins to cover their creation cost.

Additional funds gained from the sale of these coins would go to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund’s educational and outreach programs.

“The National Law Enforcement Museum is a powerful tribute to the countless sacrifices made every day by the men and women who keep us safe,” said the bill’s sponsor Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO) in a statement. “The commemorative coin will help celebrate and honor law enforcement officers and their families. I hope more Americans will visit the museum and gain a deeper appreciation for all our law enforcement does.”

The legislation passed the House on a voice vote with 304 cosponsors before passage. In the Senate, the legislation currently has 69 cosponsors.

The National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum expressed their appreciation for the legislation’s passage through the first chamber in a message saying, “This bill allows the Representatives of Congress to show their support for law enforcement and endow programs and exhibits at the Museum without using any taxpayer money. We're thankful to the bill's sponsors and look forward to watching the bill pass in the Senate!”


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