New FEEA Scholarship For First Generation College Students

We are pleased to announce that, thanks to the generous support of the Bill Bransford Fund and the law firm Shaw Bransford & Roth, FEEA will begin awarding a new scholarship to first-generation college students who are the children of eligible federal employees or are federal employees themselves.* The award will be $7,500, with the first one to be awarded with our 2020 scholarship competition.

Applicants will apply through FEEA’s common application, available at FEEA uses a single application portal for the administration of our many scholarships. The application deadline for the current cycle is March 25, 2020. 

The Bill Bransford fund was established to honor the memory of one of FEEA’s long time supporters and board members, Bill Bransford, an attorney and founder of the law firm Shaw Bransford & Roth. Bill was committed to fairness and respect of all federal employees and a champion of higher education. 

*Applicants will denote their eligibility for this program by providing information on the highest level of education completed by their parents in the final section of the application.


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