Officer Nicholas Simons Receives February 2015 Officer of the Month Award

The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund has announced the selection of Officer Nicholas Simons, U.S. Capitol Police, as the recipient of its Officer of the Month Award for February 2015.

On May 7, 2014, Officer Simons was on assignment in the Hart Senate Office Building in Washington, DC when he was alerted by a bystander that a man had collapsed outside of the Constitution Avenue entrance, possibly having a heart attack. Officer Simons immediately sprang to action by first putting out a “priority” call for the medical emergency, as well as requesting DC Fire Department (DCFD) assistance and an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED).

When Officer Simons reached the man, he noted the gentleman was unconscious, not breathing, and turning blue. Officer Simons immediately began applying life-saving techniques, including chest compressions and rescue breaths, until the AED arrived. After Officer Simons applied the AED to the man, it indicated that a shock was needed and Officer Simons delivered one shock to the individual.

Once the shock was delivered, Officer Simons continued applying chest compressions, which ultimately led to the individual regaining consciousness. The man was breathing by the time DCFD arrived on the scene. Rescue personnel transported the man and a member of his group to the hospital, where he was met by his wife.

Later that afternoon, the spouse called the U.S. Capitol Police to give an update on her husband. First, she expressed her deepest gratitude to the U.S. Capitol Police and especially to Officer Simons for saving her husband’s life. She indicated that the doctors were baffled as to why her husband’s heart just stopped, but that he was alive today because trained police officers reacted quickly.

 “I am extremely proud of our officers who responded swiftly to render aid during this medical emergency,” said U.S. Capitol Police Chief Kim Dine. “This was a true team effort, and Officer Simons is commended for his quick and heroic actions in saving another man’s life.”

“Officer Simon’s quick actions, police training, and instincts enabled him to save the life of this citizen,” said Memorial Fund Chairman & CEO Craig Floyd. “He is truly a hero to his community and a deserving recipient of our February 2015 Officer of the Month Award.”

Located in the nation’s capital, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund is a nonprofit organization dedicated to honoring the service and sacrifice of America’s law enforcement officers. The Memorial Fund’s Officer of the Month Award Program began in 1996 and recognizes federal, state, and local officers who distinguish themselves through exemplary law enforcement service and devotion to duty.

Officer Nicholas Simons, along with the other Officer of the Month Award recipients for 2015 will be honored at a special awards ceremony in Washington, DC, in May 2016, during National Police Week. In addition, their stories of service and heroism will be featured in the Memorial Fund’s annual calendar.


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