OMB Reports Budget Details for the First Time Via Congressionally Mandated Portal

Last week, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) launched its public apportionment database to make critical funding decisions widely available.

The Financial Services and General Government (FSGG) Appropriations Act of 2022 required OMB establish this database. It improves executive accountability during the budget process. In doing so, Congress is seeking to reclaim fiscal authority that has been transferred to the executive branch in the expenditure of taxpayer funds in recent decades.

OMB's chief function is to dispense congressional appropriations in disbursements throughout the fiscal year. Agency officials document dispenses to track taxpayer funds across government and private sectors and keep tabs on any modifications.

Prior to the new database, neither Congress nor the public had access to these budget decisions.

House Budget Committee Chair John Yarmuth (D-KY) and House Appropriations Chair Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) authored the provisions mandating the database.

“For the first time in history, Congress and the American people will be able to access legally-binding budget decisions made by the Executive Branch,” said Chairs Yarmuth and DeLauro. “This database will immediately enhance Congress’ important oversight capabilities and help to deter, prevent, and quickly investigate questionable or unlawful use of taxpayer dollars.”

As OMB will post apportionment documents two days after agency approval, this database will not be updated in real time. Nevertheless, lawmakers continue to discuss the performance of the database, as well as further reforms aimed at strengthening the power of the purse.


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