Open Season Brings New Opportunities to Take Stock of Your Health and Healthcare.

William Breskin,

Senior Vice President, Government Programs

Blue Cross Blue Shield Association Federal Employee Program®

Every Open Season brings new opportunities for the millions of dedicated men and women who work for our country to take stock of their health and well-being. Our role at the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Federal Employee Program (FEP®) is to help all of our current and future members make informed decisions about their healthcare needs.

As the largest insurer of federal employees in the country—for 60 years and counting—it’s a source of great pride for all of us at FEP to be able to provide high-quality healthcare to America’s public servants, and to partner with them in health.

We know that when confronted with many options and carriers during Open Season, selecting or making changes to your healthcare coverage can be a challenge. That’s why our priority is making sure federal employees have the right information so they can select the best option that fits their healthcare needs and lifestyle.

Much like the rest of Americans, what federal employees talk about most is access to their doctors and specialists—so the most important thing from their perspective is that they are not restricted, and that their benefits will be easy and accessible when they go to the doctor.

Every year we make updates to our coverage and benefits.

·       Starting in 2020, all of our members will get their first two virtual doctor visits for free—we’re also adding nutritional counseling to our telehealth services.

·       We’re making it easier to participate in our wellness incentive programs, including those that help members manage diabetes, hypertension, tobacco cessation, and pregnancy care.

·       Members also get access to our new prescription drug cost tool so they can compare drug costs and see what’s covered under their plan.

That’s in addition to our already great preventive care benefits that encourage them to stay on top of their health by getting their annual checkups, mammograms and cancer screenings.

In response to the federal workforce’s changing demographics and a robust effort by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM), last year we introduced a new plan option, FEP Blue FocusSM. It’s geared towards customers who are maintaining good health and/or managing their conditions well. The first 10 doctor visits are just $10. There’s low-cost generic prescription drug coverage, and low copays. They can also earn incentives for having their annual checkup. So, it’s really rewarding.

Additionally, it’s important to recognize our great partner, OPM, in our continued effort to ensure that the federal workforce remains vibrant and healthy. We couldn’t offer this type of service and coverage without the stewardship and leadership of OPM. They understand the importance that having a secure and stable health insurance plan brings to federal employees and their families.

Our ability to work with our members is our top priority. We want them to understand how their benefits apply to their on-going health needs. We want to make the healthcare selection process easier to understand, less stressful and more accessible for the men and women who give so much of themselves when they work for our country. As you consider the products available to you this Open Season, I recommend you focus on access to providers, cost of coverage, and whether and how those areas you anticipate requiring medical services are covered under each plan. We have the online and digital tools to assist you, and whether you choose FEP or another product, make sure you make an informed decision.


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