Real Problems for Real Federal Agents

“In the past few years, law enforcement professionals have seen an unprecedented number of lawsuits and investigations resulting from job duties.”(1)

"While the type of allegation may vary from your use of the GOV, loss of a weapon, treatment of a witness or source, information on a travel voucher, to something as serious as your handling of a law enforcement operation, what remains constant…is the level of scrutiny you will be subject to by your agency when the allegation surfaces.”(2) “Almost always, the matter involved a public servant conscientiously and in good faith carrying out the legitimate and authorized business of the United States. This did not prevent plaintiffs from personally attacking the federal employee in court for a variety of motives. The suit would put at risk the personal assets, the reputation, and sometimes, the career of the federal worker.”(3) “We have represented agents of the ATF, INS, ICE, FBI, DEA, and EPA in actions where the plaintiffs accused individual agents of violating assorted provisions of the United States Constitution. These lawsuits run the gamut from invasion of privacy to unlawful searches to the unreasonable use of force to violations of religious freedom under the First Amendment.” (4)

(1) Nate Catura, National President, FLEOA

(2) Debra L. Roth, Managing Partner, Shaw, Bransford & Roth

(3) John Euler, Esq., Former Deputy Director, Torts Branch, Civil Division, US Department of Justice

(4) Marvin C. Moos & A. David Carlson, Partners, Ebanks, Smith & Carlson, L.L.P.

Full testimonials available on our website at www.fedsprotection.

Are you emotionally, financially and legally prepared to defend yourself if you are the next target of someone’s allegations? If you’re not familiar with FEDS Protection or why your Agency reimburses all law enforcement officers for half of the cost, find out. Call us, call FLEOA or WIFLE or NABNA or the association that represents your interests. They will tell you.

At FEDS Protection, we know about federal employment issues. The President of FEDS Protection began his career as an ATF attorney. Then, he defended federal agents in private practice. Now, he just does what he can to ensure that you have the very best legal representation for that dark day when you may need it.

You must have FEDS Protection in place prior to an incident that leads to an allegation or a claim or COVERAGE WILL NOT APPLY! Enrollment takes less than 5 minutes – the Agency pays half the cost for out of pocket costs of only $145 per year - and payroll deduction is available - so, no excuses. Visit or call 866.955.FEDS Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 6:00pm ET to enroll over the phone.


Interagency Investigation Leads to Arrest of 18 Members, Associates of Violent White Supremacist Gang


FLEOA Files Law Suit Against OPM