FEDforum National Association of Assistant U.S. Attorneys (NAAUSA) FEDforum National Association of Assistant U.S. Attorneys (NAAUSA)

NAAUSA Event: Understanding AUSA Pay

Investigations and prosecutions should never be influenced by politics. While politics may have a role in big picture policy setting and resource prioritization, it should never have a role on the front line.

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FEDforum National Association of Assistant U.S. Attorneys (NAAUSA) FEDforum National Association of Assistant U.S. Attorneys (NAAUSA)

A Day in the Life on the Front Lines of Safeguarding Justice

Assistant U.S. Attorneys (AUSAs) work far outside traditional business hours to serve the American people and safeguard our nation’s justice system. Every day, more than 6,000 AUSAs ensure the federal law enforcement community is aware of legal precedents and acts in accordance with our duty to defend the innocent and prosecute the guilty.

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News FEDagent News FEDagent

Career Prosecutors Push to Close Pay Disparity in DOJ

In a September 13, 2021 letter to Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, the National Association of Assistant United States Attorneys (NAAUSA) requested that the Justice Department allow assistant U.S. attorneys (AUSAs) access to the General Schedule and get rid of a pay scale that underpays AUSAs. The letter signed by NAAUSA President Larry Leiser noted that the group had previously met with Deputy Attorney General Monaco to discuss the issue and NAAUSAs other priorities.

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News FEDagent News FEDagent

DOJ Employee Groups Call for Hiring, Pay Reforms to Improve Equity

The DOJ Gender Equality Network (DOJ GEN) recently called on the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to stop permitting hiring managers to ask for an applicant’s salary history when hiring. Last year, six Department of Justice (DOJ) employee associations wrote a letter to DOJ component leaders calling for an end to this practice, but the Justice Management Division responded, saying that the practice was justified under federal hiring regulations.

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News FEDagent News FEDagent

Bill to Stop Doxing of Government Workers Introduced in Senate

The Public Servant Protection Act is a bill designed to protect government workers, officials, and appointees from being targeted at their homes. Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR), along with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and five Republican colleagues, introduced the legislative proposal last week.

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