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Rising Doubt of TSA’s Capabilities Spread as Holiday Season Approaches

The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) President, Dr. Everett Kelley, testified alongside union leaders and association representatives before the House Committee on Homeland Security Subcommittee on Transportation & Maritime Security that the upcoming November 22 vaccine mandate deadline for Transportation Security Administration (TSA) workers would harm morale and distract workers during their busiest period.

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TSA Looking to Hire 6000 New Employees by Summer 2021

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) plans to hire 6,000 new Transportation Security Officers before summer 2021 to prepare for the influx of travelers that is expected as COVID-19 vaccine rollout accelerates. At approximately 430 airports nationwide, TSA is ramping up efforts to add staff who can assist with security screenings and other airport tasks.

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TSA Employees Would Receive Expanded Work Protections Under Proposed Act

Leading House Democrats on the Homeland Security, Appropriations, and Transportation Committees re-introduced the Rights for the Transportation Security Administration Workforce Act of 2021 in Congress. The bill, passed twice by the House in the 116th Congress, would expand workforce protections for employees of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

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TSA Begins Second Facial Recognition Trial at Las Vegas Airport

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has launched a 30-day proof of concept at the McCarren International Airport (LAS) in Las Vegas, Nevada for automating the identity verification portion of airport screenings using biometric technology. The technology uses live facial recognition to compare a traveler’s current image with their identification.

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