News FEDagent News FEDagent

Border-State Senators and Representatives Introduce Legislation to Address Migrant Influx

Last week, a bipartisan group of Senators and House members unveiled The Bipartisan Border Solutions Act intended to β€œrespond to the surge in migrants coming across our southern border.” The bill comes after Customs and Border Protection (CBP) apprehended more than 170,000 people at the U.S.-Mexico border in March, the highest number in at least 15 years.

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Bridging the Partisan Divide

The latest FEDtalk episode sparks a conversation on fueling compromise at a time when Americans are divided. With slim Democratic majorities in the House and Senate, stakeholders see a new opportunity to bridge the partisan divide with common sense policy priorities.

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News FEDagent News FEDagent

Creation of New Bipartisan Bureau of Prisons Reform Caucus

Congressman Fred Keller (R-PA) recently announced the creation of the bipartisan Bureau of Prisons (BOP) Reform Caucus. The BOP Caucus is meant to improve accountability and transparency, address systemic issues within the BOP system, and ensure the health and safety of corrections officers, staff, inmates, and the communities surrounding the prisons.

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