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Ambassador Susan Rice Provides Keynote Address for Event on Forging Future of Federal Leadership

The African American Federal Executive Association, Executive Women in Government, Senior Executives Association, and Management Concepts partnered to present "It Starts with Us: Forging the Future of Federal Leadership.” The event featured Ambassador Susan Rice, current head of the White House Domestic Policy Council, as a keynote speaker and then continued with a panel discussion on the role of leaders in increasing equity, diversity, and inclusion in the federal leadership cadre of the future.

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New Year, New President, New Administration

Last week on the FEDtalk podcast, host Jason Briefel was joined by Jessica Klement, the Staff Vice President, Policy and Programs at the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE); Randy Erwin, the National President of the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE); and Chad Hooper, the Executive Director of the Professional Managers Association (PMA).

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