The National Law Enforcement Memorial & Museum Hosts Restorative Justice Event

Addressing criminal conduct, challenging obstacles to lasting reform, and healing the resulting harm to individuals and communities are concerns in every society. Effectively resolving how to change criminal behavior and reintegrate offenders into their communities prove to be even more difficult. Our present system of punishment, isolation, and the lifelong stigmatization of shame produces the opposite of what we say we want- individuals who respect the law and fellow citizens to the extent they are less likely to re-offend.

Current safety measures based on arresting and incarcerating as many offenders as we can, for increasingly extended prison terms has proven to be insufficient for the long-term safety needs of our communities, families, and law enforcement officers who risk everything to make us safe. This uncomfortable but realistic conclusion is readily apparent when we consider that the vast majority of offenders and victims will return to the communities from which they came with even fewer options that change offender or victim opportunity or outlook for change. Restorative Justice practices seek to improve that outlook by rebuilding broken ties with communities by reconnecting offenders with community values and encouraging offenders to take responsibility for their actions.

Join the National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum on Thursday, January 16th, 2020 from 6 pm to 8 pm as we host a panel of experts from the judicial, law enforcement and restorative justice field who will discuss how their programs work and the results they have experienced. Reception begins at 6pm; panel discussion begins at 7pm. We invite you to join us, ask questions, and decide for yourself the value of this new initiative for building safer communities. This event is part of our Conversations series, generously sponsored by Target. For ticket information, visit:

For more information about the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, please visit For more information about the National Law Enforcement Museum, please visit


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