Two DHS Components Announce Hiring Freeze

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) are both under a hiring freeze, according to reports from individuals working within the agencies. For TSA, the freeze appears to be based on budgetary constraints. For USCIS, the agency has indicated the decision was based on continued evaluations of staffing needs.

Government Executive reported this week that USCIS has frozen hiring for non-asylum officers based on communications between previously hired employees whose onboarding status has been paused due to the freeze. While agency officials have declined to speak specifically on the freeze, potential hires have said they have been told their job offers remain “suspended indefinitely while the agency sorts out budgetary issues.”

A USCIS spokesperson told GovExec, “We continually monitor staffing needs and balance that against available resources to ensure we remain capable of adjudicating all petitions fairly, efficiently, and effectively on a case-by-case basis. Our staffing is at or near its highest levels ever, but we are always mindful stewards of our resources. We remain dedicated to protecting our nation’s immigration system.”

Current employees relayed to potential hires interviewed by GovExec that the agency announced in a town hall meeting the freeze would continue through at least the summer, and overtime is also indefinitely suspended. 

USCIS is reportedly continuing to conduct background checks on potential hires during the freeze.

At TSA, both hiring and overtime are frozen as the agency reviews its budget and plans for the agency’s busy season in the summer. Until then, the agency reports a desire to prioritize resources more effectively.

“In anticipation of another record-breaking summer travel season, the Transportation Security Administration is managing resources by prioritizing overtime to the busiest of travel periods,” the agency said in a statement to GovExec. “Additionally, TSA will continue to assess applicants for entry into TSA, and will conduct two extended hiring windows to coincide with the busy summer travel season.”

The freeze was initially reported to a Utah Radio station when TSA officials indicated the freeze was necessary to fund the 3.1 percent government wide pay raise Congress approved and President Trump signed into law last year.

The TSA hiring freeze is expected to last until April, when the agency will need to increase staffing levels to prepare for the busiest travel seasons.


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