Webinar Explores Federal Law Enforcement Liability

On June 11th, FEDS President Tony Vergnetti and Director of Strategy and Development Brenda Wilson presented an instructive and timely webinar on “Law Enforcement Liabilities,” aiming to further inform federal law enforcement officers about how the FEDS federal employee professional liability insurance policy can help protect against the exposures and liabilities inherent in a federal law enforcement position.   The FEDS team spoke about the frequent 20/20 hindsight and scrutiny placed on federal employees by the media, public, and political leaders, particularly after events that garner significant media attention.  Webinar attendees learned about how the FEDS policy protects federal law enforcement officers from civil, criminal, and administrative exposure.  At the conclusion of the webinar, Mr. Vergnetti conducted an extensive and wide-ranging Q&A session to address the many follow-up questions from webinar attendees.


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