Retired Federal Agents Entering the Contracting Arena

For many in federal law enforcement, the pressures and intensity of the day-to-day job keep officers focused on the immediate future. When combined with the balancing of a personal life as well, not many officers take the time to contemplate how their lives will play out once they put away the badge.

However, your post-law enforcement plans will make up a huge part of how you enjoy your time after leaving federal law enforcement. Some former officers take on too much in retirement, while others never find employment or activities that match the adrenaline rush of the life of an officer.

Fortunately, there are many different options available to former federal law enforcement officers, as well as a wealth of resources in figuring out what may be a good match. For many of you reading, “retirement” may be a long way off: nevertheless, it is always a good idea to get and stay informed. Some former feds are discovering that a re-entry into the academic world can scratch an itch for learning as well as make themselves more marketable. For those with a law enforcement background, getting another degree (whether bachelor’s or master’s) in criminal justice, public administration, or other related fields can boost your earning potential in your post-federal career.

For the many federal law enforcement officers who do not relish the thought of going back to school at a later age, the private sector is an often attractive market. There is a wealth of jobs that value experience in federal law enforcement: consulting jobs, private security, and cybersecurity positions are just a broad idea. While a large number of former feds go into private sector jobs with no connection to the federal government, an ever-growing number are choosing to capitalize on their federal expertise and work for private companies that have contracts with the federal government.

Federal contracting can be a very attractive job for former federal law enforcement officers. They are able to fully leverage their past experience into positions, and are oftentimes already familiar with the agencies they will be dealing with. As the government faces pressures regarding employee pay and benefits, more work is being distributed to contractors, both 1099 and others.

If you do decide to enter federal contracting, you can rest assured that you will have many of the same liability insurance protections available to you as you did when you were an active officer. FEDS offers a range of professional liability insurance policies tailored towards the specific needs of federal contractors. These policies will provide you with the civil liability and indemnification protection that you need. Whether you own your own contracting firm or work for a larger contractor, FEDS is the protection you need at the right cost. To learn more, call 866.955.FEDS or visit today.

In a time when it seems that federal law enforcement is under attack and criticism from so many corners, having your own liability and defense protection is invaluable. The FEDS policy starts at only $290, and all federal law enforcement officers are entitled to a reimbursement of up to $150 from their agencies. At that low cost, protecting yourself with PLI is an easy choice. Call 866.955.FEDS or visit today.


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