White House Fence Jumper Caught by Her Own Shoelaces

A woman attempting to climb over the White House fence Tuesday night was found dangling from the fence by her shoelaces, according to the U.S. Secret Service.

Secret Service agents helped her down and arrested the woman who said she was there to speak to President Donald Trump.

In a statement from the Secret Service, Uniformed Division Officers said they saw the woman walking around the White House late Tuesday. They later identified the woman as Marci Wahl, 38, and said she had jumped the fence on the south side of the property where they found her hanging on the inside of the fence by her shoelaces.

"The individual became entangled in security features affixed to the top of the fence, suspending them in the air on the inside of the fence," the Secret Service told CNN.

After the incident, security at the White House was temporarily heightened, but there were no further breaches.

Wahl, who had no weapons on her and no criminal history, was arrested and transported to a nearby police station after refusing medical treatment.

She was charged with unlawful entry and pleaded not guilty in DC superior court Wednesday. She was released until her hearing in April.

This arrest is only the latest in a series of White House security incidents in recent weeks.

On Saturday, a man jumped over a bicycle rack in front of the presidential mansion, and on March 10, an intruder carrying a backpack with mace and a letter for the President jumped the White House fence and stayed on the grounds for more than 15 minutes while president Trump was inside the residence.


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