Distance or Disconnect? Coming Together When Your Team is Apart

Please join us on April 27th for a unique event open to all federal employees and those working in the federal space. The Senior Executives Association and the Treasury Executive Institute have partnered with the Arbinger Institute to provide an insightful 90-minute discussion around leading virtually through the lens of an outward mindset.

With our first year of remote work behind us, leaders are increasingly questioning their ability to lead and influence virtually. The problem they are discovering is that most well-intended efforts are not as effective as they were a year ago.

Why? What is happening? Is it the distance making this hard or our mindset?

Join us as Arbinger explores this question and shares some simple but effective tools that will help your team come together, no matter where they are located. Registrants will also gain access for 30 days to Arbinger's Outward Mindset Online course.

Date: April 27th, 2021

Time: 9:00 - 10:30 EDT (90-minutes)

Zoom Platform

No Cost


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