FLEOA Defends Your Salary and Retirement

Recent budget proposals by both the Trump Administration and Congress that adversely affect your pay and pensions are strongly opposed by the Federal Law Enforcement Officer's Association. 

On August 23rd, President Nate Catura, Executive Director, Pat O’Carroll, and Legislative Consultant Chris Granberg met with a senior House Republican Leadership advisor. 

FLEOA advised the official that many members were uneasy due to the frequent news outlining drastic reductions in pay and pensions. FLEOA explained that some more senior members were contemplating early retirement in order to lock-in pensions before draconian cuts were implemented. An increase in early retirements would have a catastrophic effect on law enforcement agencies with already significant vacancies.

Now the good news.  The advisor said that after discussions with Budget Committee members, it was probable that most government employees would not be affected by the budget proposals since they would most likely be made for prospective new hires. In the past, pay and pension changes were not retrospective. In addition, the official said that, as in the 2012 budget, it was believed law enforcement officers would be exempt from these proposed changes because of the mandatory age 57 retirement. In addition, we noted that proposals to change from a high three-year calculation to a high five-year calculation would unfairly affect law enforcement since LEOs did not have the option of working longer. FLEOA reminded the advisor that FLEOA’s members have been contributing to their retirements and the Special Annuity Supplement throughout their careers, and to remove the supplemental would have legal implications. Furthermore, removing the supplemental not only would negate the pre-age 62 Social Security contribution to retirement plans, but individual contributions would have to be refunded. This would erase any proposed savings. The advisor agreed and recommended that FLEOA have the same conversation with House Oversight Committee and Budget Committee staffs.

This week, Chris Granberg and Pat O’carroll are meeting with House Oversight and Government Reform committee staff to discuss our concerns over proposed salary and pension options, DHS pension calculations, and proposed tax exemptions for LEOs in combat zones.


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