Responding Appropriately to a Line of Duty Trauma

By now, most kids are back in school writing colorful essays about their experiences over the summer which, no doubt, include new adventures, camp opportunities, and lots of sun.  

There is a group of kids, however, that attended a camp like no other this summer – a camp for the surviving children of fallen law enforcement officers - provided by the Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S) organization.

Do you know what to say or do in the event of a line of duty trauma?  In addition to this very special camp and other events and services, C.O.P.S. provides training for law enforcement officers so you know how to appropriately respond to officers and their families affected by line of duty traumas.  The last training session of the year will be held this December 4th – 6th in Appleton, Wisconsin.  The registration deadline is November 3rd.  The hotel room rate is just $139 and complimentary airport shuttle, breakfast and shuttle services to training is included! 

C.O.P.S. is expanding its services and programs at the National Office in Camdenton, Missouri. An expansion of the facility and an increase in staff will allow for continuing growth of programs planned for over 37,000 survivors affected by line-of-duty deaths. Without more staff, C.O.P.S. simply cannot continue to expand these services. You can help by donating as little as $5 here – every single dollar helps and is appreciated!

You can also purchase a β€œRoad to Hope” personalized tile and paver that will fill the main hallway leading to the courtyard within the renovated building.  With a $1,000 donation, individual or groups can purchase an 8X8 inch engraved tile with a personal message of 20 characters. (This donation can be made in two $500 payments).

You can help the members of C.O.P.S. find healing and support as they cope with the death of their loved one through participating in response training or giving money to fund these programs and services. 


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