National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund Secures Landmark Financing to Build National Law Enforcement Museum

The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) announced today that it has successfully secured tax-exempt bond financing to build the first national museum to tell the story of American law enforcement.

Museum construction will commence in February, with an opening expected in mid-2018.

The Museum was authorized by the U.S. Congress and will be built in historic Judiciary Square in Washington, DC (444 E Street, NW), adjacent to the existing National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial.

“Securing the financing will allow us to now complete construction of the museum and share the powerful story of law enforcement with hundreds of thousands of visitors each year,” stated NLEOMF Chairman and CEO Craig W. Floyd. “We could not have gotten to this milestone moment without the valued assistance of the District of Columbia Government, the determined effort of our bond underwriting firm, HJ Sims and, of course, the generous support of our Museum donors.”

The NLEOMF has set a goal of raising an additional $25 million over the next several years to help sustain the Museum’s operating and maintenance costs, and to help retire some of the tax-exempt bonds that have been sold to construct the Museum.

More information, visit

For more information about the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, please visit For more information about the National Law Enforcement Museum, please visit


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