Navy Seize Terrorist Organization’s Anti-Tank Missiles and 1.1 Million Gallons of Petroleum

In three separate incidents, the U.S. Navy seized 171 surface-to-air missiles, eight anti-tank missiles and 1.1 million barrels of petroleum products worth $261 million from two Iranian ships in the Arabian Sea, according to the Department of Justice's (DOJ) recent press release. The announcement followed the final forfeiture order for the arms shipments by the District Court for the District of Columbia.

During routine maritime security operations in the Arabian Sea, the Navy seized the weapons between November 2019 and August 2020. DOJ reports that two large caches of weapons from Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) – a branch of the Iranian Armed Forces established after the Iranian Revolution and designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. – were intended for Houthi militias in Yemen.

“The Government of Iran’s sponsorship of terrorism has left innocent victims in its wake and its attempts to support regimes dangerous to the United States and our allies will be met with the full force of the law,” stated Assistant Director Alan E. Kohler Jr., assistant director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Counterintelligence Division.

Two flagless vessels were seized by the U.S. Navy Central Command (NAVCENT) in the Arabian Sea on November 25, 2019, and February 9, 2020, respectively. A total of 171 guided anti-tank missiles, eight surface-to-air missiles, components for land attack cruise missiles, anti-ship cruise missile components, thermal weapons optics, and other components for missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles were included in the equipment. Similarly, four tankers with foreign flags were seized while en route to Venezuela by NAVCENT for containing Iranian petroleum products.

Having demonstrated that the Iranian military would have profited from the sale of the petroleum and weapons, American officials won approval to sell the fuel taken from four Iranian ships the previous year. The proceeds of the sale of the petroleum for $26.7 million "may be directed, in whole or in part" to the Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund (USVSST).

“The illegal transfer of Iranian-made weapons poses a significant and immediate threat to our national security. The judgement announced today is an important step in our efforts to identify, disrupt, and bring to justice those who imperil resources vital to our safety," stated Director Kelly P. Mayo, the acting director of the Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS).

NAVCENT provided substantial assistance in locating the weapons smuggling network of the IRGC, which was investigated and seized by Homeland Security Investigations’ (HIS) Washington Field Office and DCIS's Mid-Atlantic Field Office. In the investigation of the Iranian petroleum sales, HSI Denver and the Minneapolis Field Office of the FBI were assisted by NAVCENT, again facilitating the seizures.

The forfeiture of fuel and weapons from Iran represents the largest forfeiture from Iran ever made by the U.S. government.


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