Case Law Update Conor Dirks Case Law Update Conor Dirks

Federal Circuit: Preselection Coupled With Service Discrimination Violates USERRA

The United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit described the litigation of a case it adjudicated on May 14, 2021 as “the decade-long journey of a hard-working man who served his country honorably, only to face workplace discrimination on the basis of that service.” In its opinion, the Federal Circuit held that the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) erred in finding that the candidate’s nonselection for a position at the Department of the Navy would have occurred “regardless of his prior military service.”

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The Takedown FEDagent The Takedown FEDagent

Former NCIS Agent Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison for Part in “Fat Leonard” Scandal

John Beliveau II, the former federal investigator, was sentenced to 12 years in prison after pleading guilty to conspiracy to commit bribery. In addition to his prison sentence for disclosing sensitive information to a defense contractor in exchange for cash, luxury travel, and prostitutes, Beliveau was ordered to pay $20 million in restitution to the Department of the Navy.

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