OMB Seeks Feedback on OMB Seeks Feedback on President’s Management Agenda Learning Plan Learning Plan

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is seeking public commentary regarding the President's Management Agenda's (PMA) draft learning plan addressing government-wide management issues. By emphasizing collaborative research to fill in evidence gaps inside and outside of government, the PMA Learning Agenda draft proposes leadership solutions that are equitable, effective, and accountable.

In recent years, learning agendas have taken a prominent place in the federal government's dialogue, as agencies move toward using evidence to guide their budget and decision-making – a requirement of the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act. The PMA Learning Agenda draft is unique, however, in that it seeks to spur both internal and external research and innovation, helping agencies collaborate on common problems.

“The draft learning agenda released today provides a framework for asking the necessary questions needed to make the president’s ambitions a reality. We are calling on researchers, public servants and private citizens for their feedback, expertise and guidance to build the research and evidence needed to solve the most pressing problems facing the federal government," stated Pam Coleman, Associate Director Performance & Personnel Management at OMB.

Through the PMA Learning Agenda draft, federal agencies will identify areas for improvement and galvanize public research. Focus questions include:

  • In what ways can the Federal government strengthen its workforce to better serve the American public?

  • How can the Federal Government deliver services and programs efficiently and build trust with the public?

  • How can the Federal Government support underserved communities and advance equity?

OMB seeks input from researchers, practitioners and policymakers through a short survey that will be active through January 31st, 2022. The results will inform a full PMA Learning Agenda, forthcoming in 2022.


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