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Senator Presses Federal Law Enforcement on Organized Theft Surge

In a pair of letters, Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has asked the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to develop a comprehensive strategy to address the spike in organized retail theft. The Senator also requests a report regarding federal law enforcement's efforts to combat "smash-and-grab" robberies on brick-and-mortar shops.

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White House Releases Memo Detailing Workplace Reentry for Federal Employees

The Biden administration released a memo on June 10, 2021 to facilitate the safe, effective, and efficient return of federal employees to the physical workplace given the declining threat of COVID-19. The administration lifted the 25 percent occupancy rule for federal buildings, but continues to require detailed plans from agencies regarding return-to-work initiatives prior to increasing occupancy.

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2021 US Citizenship Act Would Expand Federal Hiring and Workforce Reforms for Homeland Security Agencies

The Biden administration recently proposed the 2021 U.S. Citizenship Act to Congress. The bill has been introduced in both chambers by Congressional Democrats. The act would revamp the United States immigration system and reverse many immigration initiatives that were introduced by the Trump administration. The plan also includes several reforms aimed at improving the homeland security workforce.

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President Biden’s Memo Calls for a Better-Equipped National Security Workforce

On February 4, 2021, President Joe Biden released a national security memo that focused on revitalizing American foreign policy and restoring the national security workforce, institutions, and partnerships. He also recently appeared at the Department of State to send a message on foreign policy to the workforce, saying, “I want the people who work in this building, and our embassies and consulates around the world, to know I value your expertise, and I respect you. And I will have your back.”

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Executive Order Creates New Class of Federal Employees

President Trump signed an executive order on October 21, 2020 creating a new classification for federal employees. Per the order, employees that are in confidential, policy making positions would be categorized as Schedule F employees and would not be subject to traditional Title 5 workplace protections. These employees would also be barred from organizing against or appealing the administration. The order grants agency leaders broad discretion to hire and fire individuals in this schedule.

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