President Biden Nominates Dr. Rahul Gupta to Lead ONDCP

In a July 13, 2021 press release, President Biden announced his intent to nominate Dr. Rahul Gupta to be Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), a position also known as drug czar.

Dr. Gupta is a former West Virginia health official and the chief medical and health officer at the March of Dimes. He would be the first physician to ever lead the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy.

A White House spokesperson said of Dr. Gupta’s nomination, “Dr. Gupta brings firsthand experience as a medical doctor and public health official using evidence-based strategies to address the overdose epidemic in West Virginia. We hope he will be confirmed by the Senate soon.”

Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) applauded Dr. Gupta’s nomination and said, “[it] means someone with firsthand knowledge of the opioid crisis, especially in West Virginia, will be coordinating the national fight against the drug epidemic that continues to ravage our nation.”

While Dr. Gupta has widespread support from lawmakers, the administration, and public interest groups, some are concerned about the role the “drug czar” has played in previous administrations and call the label unnecessary.

Paul Armentano, deputy director for the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), explained, “the drug czar’s office is a remnant of a bygone era when US drug policy was framed as a ‘war’ fueled largely by rhetoric and ideology.”

If confirmed by the Senate, Dr. Gupta would replace Acting ONDCP Director Regina LaBelle, who previously served in the office during the Obama administration.


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