Rioters Breach U.S. Capitol in Protest of Election Certification

On Wednesday, several thousand supporters of President Trump’s reelection campaign marched from the White House to the Capitol building, where the group breached security. The group climbed onto the Capitol by scaling vertical walls and overwhelming U.S. Capitol Police.

The Capitol went into lockdown as protestors entered the House and Senate galleries, putting the election certification process on hold until security was restored.

U.S. Capitol Police utilized various forms of non-lethal force, such as pepper spray, to subdue to rioters. At one point, gunfire was heard inside the Capitol. Authorities later confirmed one woman was shot and killed by U.S. Capitol Police. Three other individuals died of medical emergencies during the events. The National Guard eventually arrived on the scene. Three hours after the breach began, the Capitol Sergeant at Arms announced the building had been secured.

Washington, D.C. imposed a 6:00 pm to 6:00 am curfew and extended a state of emergency through Inauguration Day. The Virginia Governor issued a similar curfew for Arlington and Alexandria based on fear the violence would spread outside the capital city.

In response to the violence and breach in Capitol security, President-Elect Joe Biden made a televised announcement in which he said the riots were an "assault on the most sacred of American undertakings: the doing of the people's business,” referring to the members of Congress in the Capitol who were certifying the electoral college votes.

President Trump also released a prerecorded messaged in which he said, “We have to have peace. So, go home. We love you. You're very special. You've seen what happens. But go home and go home in peace." 

President of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association (FLEOA), Larry Cosme, said in a statement supporting U.S. Capitol Police, “As defenders of the U.S. Constitution, we respect all Americans [sic] right to protest, but storming the U.S. Capitol building is not an act of protest. It is an act of anarchy. FLEOA vehemently condemns violent attacks against law enforcement and trespasses onto federal property. We hope for a peaceful resolution to the ongoing unrest.”

Congress resumed their meetings to certify state electoral votes after security had been restored. Despite several objections, Congress certified President-elect Joe Biden’s electoral victory early Thursday morning.

In an opening statement, Vice President Mike Pence said, "To those who wreaked havoc in our Capitol today, you did not win."

Overall, 14 officers sustained injuries and over 50 arrests have beenggg made, including 26 on Capitol grounds. The FBI has asked for assistance identifying those who are “actively instigating violence.”


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