Long Term Care Planning Made Easy: Find a Plan That’s Right for You
You may already be aware of what long term care is, whether it's through personal experience caregiving for a loved one who needs daily assistance, or knowing a family member or friend who requires more support as they age. As you learn more about long term care, consider the possibility that you may need this type of care in the future and start planning for it today.
Trick or Treat: Do You Know What to Expect With PLI?
No federal law enforcement officer goes to work expecting to get sued or anticipates spending tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees to defend their career. However, today’s current political climate means federal LEOS are increasingly vulnerable to civil lawsuits and administrative actions. If an allegation is made against you, are you aware of your rights as a federal LEO? Are you prepared to vigorously defend yourself even if the allegation is baseless? Do you have professional liability insurance in place to help you in these trying matters? In the spirit of the fall season, FEDS Protection has put together a list of Trick or Treat facts that will help you learn more about your liability exposures and how best to protect yourself with FEDS PLI.
2020 FEHB Open Season: Tips for Preparing
Each year, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) offers the Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) Open Season to allow you to evaluate your circumstances and options, and make changes to benefits.
Making It Safer for Those Who Serve
The National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum’s Destination Zero Officer Safety and Wellness Conference will take place on Tuesday, November 10, beginning at 11 am Eastern time. This free, virtual conference is open to all branches of law enforcement.
Safeguarding America’s First Responders Act Expands COVID-19 PSOB Benefits
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, federal law enforcement officers have been faithfully serving the public throughout. As FEDS Protection has detailed previously, COVID-19 has increased pressures and expanded the already long list of challenges that federal law enforcement officers face on a daily basis.
What Feds Need to Know: Fall 2020
As part of our commitment to providing civilian federal employees and their families with access to products and services that promote their health, welfare, and financial well-being, WAEPA has compiled some of the top federal resources you need to be “in the know” for Open Season.
Stay Engaged with the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial and Museum
Like scores of organizations across the country, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced the National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum to change the way it engages with visitors. Despite the current global health pandemic, the organization remains committed to its mission of honoring the fallen, making it safer for those who serve and educating the public about the history of American law enforcement.
FLTCIP 3.0: Comprehensive Coverage with Added Premium Stability
In today’s world, planning is essential. People are living longer and need a long-range care plan that can sustain them throughout their lifetime.
Increased Challenges for Federal Law Enforcement Officers
As the United States enters its fifth month of COVID-19-related shutdown in some form, the long-term behavioral impacts of the ‘new normal’ are beginning to appear. Recent studies and official guidance indicate that Americans are experiencing elevated levels of unhappiness and anxiety due to the ongoing pandemic.
Offering Life Insurance Protection in these Uncertain Times
Life insurance protects your family from the uncertainty of what the future holds. Your policy with WAEPA is a safeguard you put in place to provide you and your loved ones with peace of mind. This protection is both a precaution, and a crucial component of your overall financial security.
The National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum’s Destination Zero Program: Making it Safer for Those Who Serve
Many people know about the National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum’s mission to remember the fallen. The nation’s only living monument to the brave men and women who died in the line of duty, the National Law Enforcement Memorial currently has the names of 22,217 fallen officers engraved on its walls. Sadly, more names are added each year as officers continue to die while trying to keep their communities safe.
Federal Task Force Officers—Am I Protected?
Over the years, federal law enforcement agencies have been able to magnify their reach and effectiveness through the setting up of federal task forces, made up of both federal and state & local law enforcement officers. These task forces (led by officers from agencies such as the U.S. Marshals, FBI, and DEA) are assigned to address specific issues such as sex trafficking, drug trafficking, tracking fugitives, and counterterrorism efforts. While the task forces are largely spearheaded and funded by federal agencies, oftentimes a majority of the manpower is provided by state & local law enforcement.
The Best-Kept Secrets About Federal Service
If you are thinking about jumping into a career as a federal employee or just started your journey as one, you may not be aware of the numerous opportunities and benefits that you get as a federal employee. From advancing your skills and education to discounts and loan forgiveness, there are dozens of programs and opportunities in place that federal employees can really benefit from.
Law Enforcement and Communities
The National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum is deeply concerned about current events around the country. We are an organization that cares deeply about diversity, fairness, respect, honor, and justice. Our actions, both individually and collectively, can make a difference in our communities around the nation, and the National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum is committed even more to being one of those difference makers.
Webinar Explores Federal Law Enforcement Liability
On June 11th, FEDS President Tony Vergnetti and Director of Strategy and Development Brenda Wilson presented an instructive and timely webinar on “Law Enforcement Liabilities,” aiming to further inform federal law enforcement officers about how the FEDS federal employee professional liability insurance policy can help protect against the exposures and liabilities inherent in a federal law enforcement position.
Caregiving: The FLTCIP Offers Support When You Need It Most
No matter your stage of life, it’s always a good idea to have a long-range health plan in place. One thing to keep in mind is coverage for any potential long term care needs.
Webinar: Federal Employee Finances in a Time of Crisis
While there are signs of recovery, many of us are still struggling to manage the monetary impact of this pandemic. But there are actions we can take today to help. This time in history presents an opportunity for all of us to take stock of our positions, assess the impact the coronavirus has had on our goals, and implement a plan to get our finances back on track. We can also reflect on lessons learned and use them to help protect ourselves for when the next disaster strikes.
Will Feds Face a Coronavirus Commission?
Lawmakers are already circulating proposals to investigate missteps and policy holes that led to the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. Whether or not you’re employed by one of the 71 agencies responding directly to this crisis, you need to understand what your exposures are and how you may be impacted.
The Candle Seen Around the World
The microscopic virus that spurred a global pandemic has impacted every public event, regardless of how longstanding the tradition – including the 32nd Annual Candlelight Vigil, the National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum’s flagship ceremony that honors the year’s fallen law enforcement officers.
Show Mom You Care: Have a Conversation about Long Term Care Insurance
This Mother’s Day, as you look back at the many years your mother cared for you, consider the possibility that she may require care herself someday. Long term care insurance can help ensure that your mother will get the care she needs, should there come a time when she requires help managing some of the activities we associate with independent living.