The Professional Liability Ricks LEOs Face on the Job
For better or worse, law enforcement officers often find themselves in the public spotlight. Unfortunately, even officers with excellent conduct that consistently adhere to regulations and federal policies aren’t immune to allegations of wrongdoing.
Supreme Court Restricts Police Powers to Enter a Home Without a Warrant
In recent years, federal law enforcement officers have been the subject of increasing scrutiny from the media, public, and politicians.
Sondland v. Pompeo Highlights the Financial Vulnerabilities of Federal Employees, Including Law Enforcement Officers
Recently, news broke that former Ambassador Gordon Sondland, a key witness in the 2019 impeachment probe, is suing former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the U.S. government for recoupment of $1.8 million in attorney’s fees.
Wanted: Federal Law Enforcement Officers with High EQ
In today’s tumultuous political environment, federal law enforcement officers need to leverage every aspect of their skillset in order to succeed on the job. The issues, questions and challenges facing the federal community and federal law enforcement officers in particular seem to become more complex, varied, and dynamic by the day. Government agencies and successful companies are increasingly seeking more people with high emotional intelligence (EQ).
FEDS Protection Announces $3 Million Coverage Option
Federal law enforcement officers asked, and we listened—FEDS Protection is excited to announce that we have added a $3 million civil liability coverage option to our professional liability insurance (PLI) program, extending civil liability coverage available for federal employees beyond the existing $1 million and $2 million policies.
Understaffing Increasing Pressure on Federal Law Enforcement Officers
Across all agencies, federal law enforcement officers are stressed out. Even prior to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, agencies had been understaffing units and overworking their officers. Studies show that understaffing may lead to decreased job performance due to officer fatigue that causes diminished observational abilities. For many reasons—social distancing protocols, employee illness, etc.—the pandemic has exacerbated these issues, putting more pressure on federal law enforcement officers than ever before. Despite the efforts of you and your fellow officers trying to keep up with agency demands, problems will inevitably arise and, when they do, the agency is going to look for someone to blame.
FEDS Protection Joins CRC Group to Expand Coverage Options for Government Employees & Contractors
For 14 years, Federal Employee Defense Services has provided professional liability insurance (PLI) for federal law enforcement officers and has been a proud advocate for the federal law enforcement community. Now, FEDS is expanding its ability to offer even more support to federal law enforcement officers through its acquisition by CRC Group, a leading national wholesale distributor of specialty insurance products. This timely partnership will enable FEDS to expand coverage options for public employees and contractors.
Enforcing A Mask Mandate in Federal Buildings
On January 20, 2021, President-elect Joe Biden will be sworn in as the 46th President of the United States, and a new administration will assume the operation of the federal government. With the new administration, there will likely be significant changes directly impacting the lives and jobs of federal employees.
How 2020 Impacted the Bureau of Prisons and U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services
Across the board, federal law enforcement officers have spent the vast majority of 2020 dealing with unprecedented challenges. Rising tensions between the public and law enforcement and the increasing dangers of the COVID-19 pandemic have created a landscape that has been tremendously difficult to navigate. While many of the struggles and successes of our law enforcement officers have been well-covered in the news, the challenges faced by two agencies have been comparatively underreported: the Bureau of Prisons and U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services.
Spotlight on the Diplomatic Security Service
For federal law enforcement officers, carrying and using a firearm is often the most significant part of the job. With the authority to carry a firearm comes the heavy responsibility of using it properly, as well as significantly increased exposure to civil, administrative, and criminal actions related to discharge of the weapon. For members of agencies or divisions such as the State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service (DSS), it is critical to carry professional liability insurance (PLI) that will protect against the exposures that come with carrying a firearm.
Trick or Treat: Do You Know What to Expect With PLI?
No federal law enforcement officer goes to work expecting to get sued or anticipates spending tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees to defend their career. However, today’s current political climate means federal LEOS are increasingly vulnerable to civil lawsuits and administrative actions. If an allegation is made against you, are you aware of your rights as a federal LEO? Are you prepared to vigorously defend yourself even if the allegation is baseless? Do you have professional liability insurance in place to help you in these trying matters? In the spirit of the fall season, FEDS Protection has put together a list of Trick or Treat facts that will help you learn more about your liability exposures and how best to protect yourself with FEDS PLI.
Safeguarding America’s First Responders Act Expands COVID-19 PSOB Benefits
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, federal law enforcement officers have been faithfully serving the public throughout. As FEDS Protection has detailed previously, COVID-19 has increased pressures and expanded the already long list of challenges that federal law enforcement officers face on a daily basis.
Increased Challenges for Federal Law Enforcement Officers
As the United States enters its fifth month of COVID-19-related shutdown in some form, the long-term behavioral impacts of the ‘new normal’ are beginning to appear. Recent studies and official guidance indicate that Americans are experiencing elevated levels of unhappiness and anxiety due to the ongoing pandemic.
Federal Task Force Officers—Am I Protected?
Over the years, federal law enforcement agencies have been able to magnify their reach and effectiveness through the setting up of federal task forces, made up of both federal and state & local law enforcement officers. These task forces (led by officers from agencies such as the U.S. Marshals, FBI, and DEA) are assigned to address specific issues such as sex trafficking, drug trafficking, tracking fugitives, and counterterrorism efforts. While the task forces are largely spearheaded and funded by federal agencies, oftentimes a majority of the manpower is provided by state & local law enforcement.
Webinar Explores Federal Law Enforcement Liability
On June 11th, FEDS President Tony Vergnetti and Director of Strategy and Development Brenda Wilson presented an instructive and timely webinar on “Law Enforcement Liabilities,” aiming to further inform federal law enforcement officers about how the FEDS federal employee professional liability insurance policy can help protect against the exposures and liabilities inherent in a federal law enforcement position.
Will Feds Face a Coronavirus Commission?
Lawmakers are already circulating proposals to investigate missteps and policy holes that led to the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. Whether or not you’re employed by one of the 71 agencies responding directly to this crisis, you need to understand what your exposures are and how you may be impacted.
When Overwhelmed is an Understatement – Knowledge is Power
“I’m overwhelmed” has never been echoed amongst LEOs across all agencies more than it is right now. Officers are concerned over decisions and actions/inactions in the performance of duties and/or managing incarcerated individuals, parolees, subjects, targets, COVID related crimes, etc. Supervising agents are also concerned about managing employees.
20/20 Hindsight, Allegations & Accountability
While the world is facing an unprecedented crisis, finger-pointing and allegations of “mismanagement” may begin. We know this because we’ve defended federal employees in other unprecedented crises such as 9/11, Waco/Ruby Ridge, Hurricane Katrina, Benghazi, wildland fire fatalities, etc.